hey hey..finally finished the intro abt ny wushu alumni..ok lah, it's not v long, but it's not the quantity that matters k, it's the quality..haha. let u all see first..
南洋中、小、幼校友会青年团 – 武术队
南洋中、小、幼校友会青年团 – 武术队成立于2004 年底,由那年的中四武术生发起,目的是要让每届的毕业生在离开南洋后还可以继续一起练武。四年的时间一转眼就过去了,回想起那些一起玩闹、流汗、流泪、不顾一切拼到底的日子,还是特别留恋。而参加校友会给了我们延续这美好时光的机会,也让我们在毕业后无论分散到哪里,还可以保持联络。
本以为2004 年的学校农历新年庆祝会是我们最后一次同台表演,没想到2005 年8月15日,也就是南洋的生日那天,我们又再次相聚在那舞台上。穿上同样的集体表演服装,手里拿着那绑了同样颜色剑穗的剑,大家的心情是复杂的 – 期待、高兴、紧张。而表演过后,是兴奋与激动。这次的表演让我们重温了中学时候一起表演的难忘经验。相信往后也常会有类似的机会,甚至可以再次代表南洋去参赛;再次像从前那样凭着对武术的热忱和对武术队的爱全力以赴。
hope it's ok. oh ya, thanks yuya for helping with e pic collage! is it possible to include this intro in the collage itself? then it'll look damn nice when published haha! thanks =))
btw xuefen, i agree man, reading this blog always brings a wide smile on my face..sometimes even laugh out loud. i think my family members will think i'm mad if they see or hear me lah..but who cares..haha. jiayou for those who have piles of work to do! i'm getting sick and tired of reading abt nationalism too, but got test nx week..yucks! Xp
caught some stars @
*10:28 pm*------------------------------------------------